A healthy mind is one that does well at just being.

We want to see a world free from mental health stigma. Our mission is to actively change the way we speak about this crucial topic, so we can dismantle the stigma associated with it.

We believe by changing our words from ‘Mental Health’ to ‘Mind Wellbeing’, negative associations linked to the term ‘Mental’ can be dissolved. At the same time a whole new way of viewing, experiencing and talking about the mind opens up - one of wonder, awe, and curiosity.

We're here to change our culture’s understanding of mental health by deliberately altering the language we use to discuss it

403,955 children

awaiting consultant led treatment

8 million

NHS England estimate of the number of people with mental health needs not in contact with NHS mental health services, as of 2021

4.5 million

people in contact with NHS-funded mental health services during 2021-22

Mind Wellbeing is a growing movement driving social change, empowering minds, and redefining mental health

At Mind Wellbeing we’re cultivating a new perspective on Mental Health with our campaign for change. Currently, the UK is experiencing a mental health crisis, with millions encountering obstacles in accessing vital support.

It's imperative that we address these barriers, dismantle stigma, and collaboratively foster supportive environments with prevention focused strategy

We believe in the power of words. Our ambitious campaign is here to normalise open conversations about matters of the mind by facilitating spaces to express our feelings with intentional language that connects us back together. Our work is values-led and rooted in evidence based research.

Black and white image of Hannah smiling at the camera, surrounded in bubbles
Black and white image of Hannah, looking up as she watches bubble float aroundin bubbles
The Matters Mascot - Wonderfill. A silhouette of human form sat cross legged with colorful bubbles dancing around the inside of their body.

Free Mind Wellbeing Resources

Put the theory into practice with our free resources! We’ve carefully designed these supportive resources so you can explore the wonders of the mind, and learn more about pressing topics such as anxiety. Our Mind Wellbeing philosophy provides understanding of our minds free from fear and shame.

A black and white stock image of a freckle faced child smiling at the camera, side on.

Mind Matters Schools are showing how education can embrace this change in language to nurture resilient minds and foster supportive school environments where connection can thrive

We offer a whole school approach, implementing strategies that embed a combination of coaching modalities, wellness practices, and educational workshops.

Becoming a Mind Matters school is an exciting journey that involves staff, children, and parents so we can co-create a nurturing setting where our words shape our world.

A black and white stock image of a person laughing with their eyes closed. They have a baseball cap on, a necklace and are wearing a black sweater with a slogan which says "I'm here now, in good company."

Mind Wellbeing supports innovative companies to foster a culture of thriving in the workplace

Our philosophy is simple, yet can change everything. We believe in bettering workplace dynamics by facilitating improved communication and connection among team members. Our workshops empower organisations to create supportive environments through intentional language choices rooted in our Mind Wellbeing core values

A black and white stock image of a person smiling at the camera with a big grin. They have long ,wavey, dark hair and are wearing a patterned blouse.

Join our movement,
let’s flip the script and drop the stigma

At Mind Wellbeing we ask the simple question 'If we change our words, can we change our world?’. Through dedicated study, ongoing research, and careful reflection the answer is clear. 1000% yes. 

We invite you to participate in our survey to provide valuable insights and evidence that will inform and support our work. Your input is greatly appreciated as we strive to ensure our work is rooted in thorough research and evidence.

We also have our petition you can sign now to help drive much needed change! 

Have questions, or would like to get involved? Reach out to us today, lets get connected and start making a difference together.

Get in touch