Mind Wellbeing is a campaign for change empowering Minds and redefining Mental Health.

To address the stigma surrounding mental health, we have to turn awareness into tangible action by reshaping our language. Our mission is to actively change the way we speak about mental health, so we can effectively dismantle the stigma associated with it.

We believe by changing our words to ‘Mind Wellbeing’, negative associations linked to the term ‘Mental Health’ can be dissolved. Let’s transform our cultural perception on matters of the mind to one of curiosity, care, and compassion instead of shame, fear, and restrictive boxes. 

Mind Wellbeing Values

Social Change

  • We believe in the power of words. Our ambitious campaign is here to normalise open conversations about matters of the mind by facilitating spaces to openly express how we’re feeling with intentional language that connects us back together. I matter, you matter, we all matter. Our minds matter. With a simple shift in language from ‘Mental Health’ to ‘Mind Wellbeing’ we can dissolve the stigma associated with the word ‘mental’ that acts as a barrier to people seeking help. Learn more.

Visionary Thinking

  • Our campaign and offerings are all dedicated to re-igniting a sense of togetherness in ourselves, and our communities. In a culture dominated by technology, with increasing isolation and separation, we’re losing human connection. At Mind Wellbeing we believe in getting it back. In fact our future depends on it.


  • For our mission to make the biggest impact, we need to tend to the roots, and make prevention our priority by expanding our collective capacity to care for ourselves and each other. We empower Mind Wellbeing families, workplaces, partners, sponsors and Mind Matters schools, to cultivate environments where connection can thrive. Our work is grounded in our own ongoing research, shared personal experiences, and professional expertise.


  • To achieve our mission of social change we must bring together the collective to re-evaluate and change perspectives. By building strong relationships with individuals, families, fellow like minded companies, governing bodies and charities we have a greater chance of success. Together, we can make ripples of change that create monumental long lasting impact, for ourselves and future generations.

Hannah sits on a chair draped in a soft pink throw, and is smiling as she looks down at her laptop. Her hair is worn down and she has a black vest top on.

Hannah Dunn:
Founder of Mind Wellbeing.

Hannah is the driving force and beating heart behind our mission to create lasting change in matters of the mind. She’s leading a huge cultural shift by helping educate the next generation - and ourselves - on what’s important: Understanding our feelings, being able to communicate them, and connecting with how language plays a huge part in bridging the gap between our internal and external worlds.

Having reached crisis point herself in 2019, Hannah has a deeply personal understanding of how urgently we need to change the script around Mental Health. During this time - that she now refers to as a  breakthrough - she discovered the commonly used word ‘mental’ carried a stigma that only further weighed her down with feelings of shame, fear, and hopelessness.

Hannah sits on a chair draped in a soft pink throw, with her laptop. She is wearing her hair down and has a black top and cream trousers. She is warmly smiling into the camera. A plant and a lamp are in the background.

Hannah’s personal journey, intertwined with motherhood, illuminated the crucial need for early prevention and proactive support in nurturing the foundation of our shared future.

The first seeds of an ambitious idea began to germinate in darkness. It was a process of messy, painful growth happening deep beneath the surface. Pain turned into action when Hannah started to heal and asked the simple question; 

“If we change our words, can we change our world?”

Through dedicated study, ongoing research, and careful reflection the answer was clear: 1000% yes. With that yes, Mind Wellbeing was born.

The Matters Mascot - Wonderfill. A silhouette of human form sat cross legged with colorful bubbles dancing around the inside of their body.

Qualification details

Advanced DBS check

Licensed Child Trauma and Behavioural Therapeutic Practitioner (Thrive)

Family Thrive Course Leader 

Mental Health Lead - Department of Education

Designated Safeguarding Lead - Level 3 

Mental Health First Aider - MHFA 

NLP Practitioner Coach/Time line Therapy and Hypnosis (Certification to be received in May)

“The work this woman is doing WILL change lives, and she is facing it with such commitment, creativity, guts and humility. I am beyond proud to be part of this campaign…”

Karen, With Passion and Purpose (Campaign Champion)

Join our growing movement

Imagine how differently we could experience and express our inner worlds with a simple shift in words from ‘Mental Health’ to ‘Mind Wellbeing.’

Whether you're a school, organisation, company, or individual, we'd love to hear from you. We're open to collaborations and available to answer any questions.

Get in touch