Imagine a world without Mental Health stigma.

At Mind Wellbeing we are cultivating a new perspective on Mental Health with our campaign for change.

We believe that by changing the words we use from ‘Mental Health’ to ‘Mind Wellbeing’ we can shed the stigma.

With this shift in language we dissolve a history of shame associated with the word ‘mental’ and replace it with waves of positive change in how people interpret and express their internal worlds. 

Our mission is to create lasting impact by  shaping the self perception, resilience and unity of future generations. Through our campaign, and educational offerings we support families, schools, companies, and organisations to look after matters of the mind so we can prevent as many individuals as possible from reaching crisis point.

Picture this: a culture of connection, open communication and mutual support holding people of all ages who are equipped with the emotional literacy, communication tools, and open forums to share what’s on their mind, instead of feeling alone and like they have to hide.

We invite you to take a pause, a deep breath in, a long slow breath out. Imagine tension unfurling into connection, and what it might look like to be united by our adverse experiences.

A healthy mind is one that does well at just being.

We're here to change our culture’s understanding of mental health by deliberately altering the language we use to discuss it

Questions and answers

  • Stigma and negative connotations associated with the words 'mental' can act as a debilitating barrier for people seeking help. We believe that by changing the words we use to talk about mental health, we can create huge cultural shifts in our understanding. By using ‘Mind Wellbeing’ as the universal term for discussing mental health, we are shaping a new reality, one where we both shed mental health stigma and affirm that the wellbeing of our minds, matter. We want to normalise talking about matters of the mind, and we believe a simple shift in language will facilitate much needed conversations.

  • Societal stereotypes often portray ‘mental health issues’ as signs of weakness or instability. The word ‘mental’ itself can conjure up feelings of fear and shame, and in turn synonyms like ‘crazy’ ‘unstable’ ‘deranged’ etc. This can lead to feelings of shame making people reluctant to admit ‘struggling’ with ‘mental health’. This fear of judgement can prevent individuals from acknowledging their need for compassion and love, and seeking the necessary support - be that a listening ear or therapeutic intervention. We believe that words have power, that they are our biggest weapon / wand. We can use new language for matters of the mind with the intention to overcome barriers, dissolve stigma, and embrace the full spectrum of human emotion.

  • For our mission to make the biggest impact, we need to tend to the roots, and make prevention our priority. We advocate for a shift in the education system towards prioritising children's comprehension of their emotions, thoughts, and their capacity for open communication. We need to normalise open conversations about matters of the mind by facilitating spaces in our homes, in our workplaces, and in our world to express openly with intentional language that connects us back together. This involves changing our everyday language to create a collective community making deeper connections. Our mission begins with amplifying our voice to reach the hearts and minds of those who hold the power to ignite transformative social change. By signing this petition you get us one step closer. Join our movement - let’s flip the script and drop the stigma.

  • Because matters of the mind are at the foundation of everything! Taking care of our collective well-being can have a huge ripple out impact. Call us optimistic, but we truly believe that human connection has the ability to heal so much of the harm that we see in our world. At the heart of Mind Wellbeing CIC is fostering connection to expand our collective capacity to care for ourselves and each other. Imagine how much better off we would all be if we were connected instead of divided.

  • A community interest company (CIC) is a type of company structure in the United Kingdom designed for social enterprises. It operates like a regular company but with a key focus on benefiting the community rather than purely generating profits for shareholders. A crucial element to CICs is that we are required to demonstrate commitment to social objectives through activities and impact to ensure the community is benefitted. Mind Wellbeing is proud to be a CIC!

Black and white stock image of a person looking slightly right of the camera. They  have short hair and wear a warm smile. They have a patterned blouse and a cardigan on with a watch on their wrist. Hands are folded at the waist. Plants in background

Be part of a growing movement that challenges the universal perception of mental health.

We invite you to participate in our survey to provide valuable insights and evidence that will inform and support our work. Your input is greatly appreciated as we strive to ensure our work is rooted in thorough research and evidence.

We also have our petition you can sign now to help drive much needed change! 

Mind Matters Schools are here to nurture resilient minds

Through innovative education initiatives, we strive to help children cultivate emotional intelligence, foster open dialogue, and build  awareness about the importance of human connection. 

Mind Wellbeing supports innovative companies to foster a culture of thriving in the workplace

Our philosophy is simple, yet can change everything. We believe in bettering workplace dynamics by facilitating improved communication and connection among team members. Our workshops empower organisations to create supportive environments through intentional language choices rooted in our Mind Wellbeing core values

Upcoming Events

We are planning some special Mind Wellbeing moments

We welcome collaboration and speaking opportunities to share insights, inspire audiences, and foster meaningful discussions. If you’re interested in inviting us to speak at your event, please reach out - we’d love to explore how we can contribute to your platform