Mind Wellbeing supports innovative companies to foster a culture of thriving in the workplace

Our philosophy is simple, yet can change everything. We believe in bettering workplace dynamics by facilitating improved communication and connection among team members. Our workshops empower organisations to create supportive environments through intentional language choices rooted in our Mind Wellbeing core values

A black and white stock image of a bearded person sat down, laughing with his hands over their face.  They are wearing a t-shirt and baseball cap.

Could Mind Wellbeing Help Your Company to Thrive?

Mind Wellbeing is for companies who:

  • care about collaboration, employee's well-being, and employee retention.

  • are growing their company, expanding their team or wanting to shake up the way they do things and try something new.

  • are going through a period of change and are needing an outside facilitator to come in and help re-establish a connected collaborative way of working.

  • understand the importance of nurturing workplace culture so employees feel valued, connected, and purposeful at work.

  • are open to exploring how even subtle changes can yield profound improvements in day-to-day wellness at work.

Your organisation's overall health is directly influenced by the strength of your company’s workplace culture

In a recent survey by Culture Shift, it was found that almost half of the UK workforce is impacted by toxic workplace cultures. 41% of employees confirmed bad workplace culture has impacted their productivity, 42% have previously left a job due to negative workplace culture, and 42% said that toxic workplace culture has impacted their mental health.

At Mind Wellbeing, we believe companies in the UK can do better 

With our Mind Wellbeing Companies training + workshops, we encourage open communication in supported settings. We also shed light on the hidden patterns that often lead us to react impulsively rather than respond thoughtfully in our day-to-day interactions.

By emphasising the importance of intentional reflective pauses throughout the workday, our sessions demonstrate how to cultivate a more supportive and healthy workplace environment. Our goal is to empower employees, teams, and leaders to thrive collectively at work.

Our Two-Tiered Workshops provide customised training for both employees and leaders.

For Employees

A black and white stock image of a person facing the camera, laughing. They're wearing a plain t-shirt and have short tussled hair.
  • Introduction on Mind Wellbeing Ethos - The story of 'Burn Out'

    Understanding and reframing anxiety

    The art of improving communication and connection through use of language, and how our words can impact relationships in the workplace.

  • A fresh perspective on matters of the mind that inspires a sense of awe.

    Ability to ask for help when needed with a greater sense of ease.

    Enhanced curiosity, and ability to connect with others.

    Employees who are empowered to feel they have a purpose at work which is directly linked to job satisfaction and well-being.

    Awareness of the signs of burnout, and resources to utilise or access in order to prevent it.

    Ability to use alternative language to create open communication, and a more connected and inclusive work environment / workplace culture.

For Leaders

A black and white stock image of a person facing left of the camera, laughing.  They were a headscarf and earrings.
  • Introduction on Mind Wellbeing Ethos - The story of 'Burn Out"

    Creating an environment incorporating imagination and curiosity for evolvement and change

    The art of improving communication and connection through the use of language, and how our words have a huge impact on the effectiveness of the workplace.

  • A fresh perspective on matters of the mind that inspires a sense of awe.

    Awareness of the signs of burnout, and how this might be disguised as hard work in employees so leaders can spot the signs to work on prevention.

    Awareness and tools to practice responding instead of reacting, with a new understanding of how to implement this philosophy into meetings, and how this benefits the whole workplace.

    Ability to use alternative language to create open communication, and a more connected and inclusive work environment/ workplace culture.

How it works

Step 1

We’ll deliver our bespoke workshops in your workplace.

Step 2

Get in touch & we’ll schedule a no strings attached call to see if Mind Wellbeing is the right fit for your company.

Step 3

We’ll provide your workplace with ways to embed learnings from the workshops into everyday practices at your workplace.

“The work this woman is doing WILL change lives, and she is facing it with such commitment, creativity, guts and humility. I am beyond proud to be part of this campaign…”

Karen, With Passion and Purpose (Campaign Champion)

Join our movement,
let’s flip the script and drop the stigma

At Mind Wellbeing we ask the simple question 'If we change our words, can we change our world?’. Through dedicated study, ongoing research, and careful reflection the answer is clear. 1000% yes. 

We invite you to participate in our survey to provide valuable insights and evidence that will inform and support our work. Your input is greatly appreciated as we strive to ensure our work is rooted in thorough research and evidence.

We also have our petition you can sign now to help drive much needed change!