Welcome to Mind Wellbeing resources where we encourage curiosity around our feelings

At Mind Wellbeing we believe in sharing our knowledge and insights with as wide an audience as possible. We aim to contribute to a collective awareness of the significance of language and advocate for change through our Mind Wellbeing CIC ethos.  Our words are our wands. 

Please see below a range of visual, audio and kinesthetic tools.  The cuteness of these resources may look like they are just for the kids, but we know a lot of adults who have found them useful too!

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  • Waves of Wonder

    This resource helps us learn how emotions get bigger and smaller, like waves of the ocean. A useful visual representation to assist in explaining how no feelings last forever, and are temporary states. We encourage children to notice, and wonder about their emotions when they are small, big, and everywhere in between.

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    Understanding Anxiety

    Wonderfill shows us how we can understand anxiety and the emotions behind it, so we can reduce its intensity and turn it into something that feels softer and more accepting.

  • Connecting Affirmations

    Affirmations can have a positive impact on our minds, and how we feel about ourselves. Connecting Affirmations takes this a step further. This tool uses varied kinesthetic ways of embedding the affirmation in our mind and bodies quicker. Most importantly they involve a partner and connect us together!

  • Mind Over Mental

    Our character, Wonderfill, demonstrates to us the impact of using the word ‘Mental’, and shows us how changing our language to ‘Mind’ can create a kinder relationship with our inner world that can then be reflected in our external worlds.

  • The Circle of Connection

    This resource helps us link together emotions, feelings, thoughts, communication and connection with one another. It can support us to talk through how inner feelings can be openly communicated to the outside world. A useful visual representation to help make sense of something that can feel confusing, and chaotic.